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Derbyniadau Ysgol – School Admissions

Derbynnir plentyn ar ddechrau’r tymor wedi iddynt ddathlu ei b/phedwaredd pen-blwydd. Mae ysgol feithrin gyfagos i blant ifancach. Mae’n ofynnol i rieni darpar ddisgyblion yrru ffurflen gais at yr ysgol cyn diwedd mis Ionawr sy’n dod cyn i’w plentyn/plant fynychu’r ysgol pan fydd yn cyrraedd oedran dechrau. Gellir llenwi’r ffurflen gais ar wefan y sir.

  • Am hanner tymor cyn i blentyn ddechrau ysgol, trefnir i’r plentyn ddod i’r ysgol bob bore Llun ac ar y ddau dydd Llun olaf y tymor bydd cyfle i ddod am ddiwrnod llawn.
  • Paratoir pecyn gwybodaeth am y Cyfnod Sylfaen a’r ysgol i bob rhiant newydd, a threfnir cyfarfod er mwyn cyflwyno’r rhain.
  • Mae croeso i unrhyw riant gysylltu â’r ysgol ar unrhyw adeg resymol i drafod trefniadau derbyn plentyn i’r ysgol.

Bydd y Cyngor Sir drwy’r Rheolwr Derbyniadau; yn cyfarwyddo’r Corff Llywodraethol, a thrwyddynt y Pennaeth, i’w gwneud hi’n eglur i rieni pan fydd plentyn o du allan y dalgylch yn cael mynediad i’r ysgol y gall hynny gael effaith ar y trosglwyddiad i addysg uwchradd. Nid yw’n dilyn fod mynediad i ysgol gynradd yn rhoi hawl mynediad i ysgol uwchradd y dalgylch; cyfeiriad cartref y plentyn sy’n dynodi’r ysgol uwchradd y bydd yn cael mynediad iddi. Mae adborth wrth rieni yn y Broses Apeliadau yn nodi nad yw hyn bob amser yn eglur o’r dechrau.

Cliciwch yma am ragor o wybodaeth.


A child will be accepted for admission at the beginning of the term after he or she have celebrated his or her fourth birthday. A nursery school is located nearby for younger children. The parents of prospective pupils are required to submit an application form to the school before the end of the January preceding the time when their child/children will start school on attaining the starting age. The form may be filled on the county website.

  • For the half-term before the child is due to start school, an arrangement is made for the child to come to school on Monday mornings, and for the last two Mondays of that term there’s an opportunity to come for a full day.
  • An information pack about the Foundation Period and the School is prepared for each new parent, and a meeting will be arranged in order to present this.
  • Parents are welcome to contact the school at any reasonable time to discuss arrangements for the admission of their child to school.

Carmarthenshire County Council, through its Admissions Manager, instructs the Governing Body, and through this the Head, to make it clear to parents of any child admitted to the School from beyond its catchment area, that this may affect transfer to secondary education. It does not follow that entry into a primary school confers a right of entry into the secondary school/s of the catchment area; it is the home address of the child that dictates into which secondary school he or she may have entry. Parent feedback within the Appeals Process indicates that this is not always made clear from the start.

Click here for further information on School Admissions within Carmarthenshire.